We use AI to help B2B companies unlock their relationship capital.
Referly maps relationships without sharing any contact information (email, phone number). Connectors remain gate keepers of their relationships.
We connect natively to Gmail & Linkedin so that you can start in 2 clicks.
Our AI Automatically capture interactions so that:
Sales teams never have to spend time creating contacts.
Marketing have a better view of relevant leads.
RevOps have an understanding of each account proximity.
Monitor key relationships and never miss a warm intro opportunity.
Search and find new relationships opportunity across your network.
Build a warm referral engine leveraging your company extended network
Map relationships instantly
versus 5% on cold outbound
versus with cold contact approach
Our AI Autocapture technology goes back in time to capture relationships from your Gmail account.
Filtrer through your company extended network to start leveraging your relationship capital.
We score and enrich your relationships with
up-to-date data to map existing relationships.
Referly makes it easy for you to invite investors, partners, colleagues to collaborate together.